Their ruling passion is that of carnal love. 他们现在情欲正盛。
A love of books is the ruling passion in his life. 阅读是他生活中主要的爱好。
For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction. 理智独自支配时是一股控制的力量;而情感,不加留意,则会成为毁灭自己的烈焰。
His garden is his ruling passion. 他生活中的主要兴趣是照看他的花园。
First guess a man's ruling passion, appeal to it by a word, set it in motion by temptation, and you will infallibly give chechmate to his freedom of will. 揣测一个人的主要兴趣,以言语要求他,以诱惑促其行动,他必为你所用。
The ruling passion of them miser is the love of money. 吝啬鬼最强烈的情感就是爱财。
His ruling passion was ambition. 他一心要实现自己的抱负。
His ruling passion is music. 他的首要爱好是音乐。
Personal justice is reason ruling passion and desire in soul. 个人正义指的是,理性在灵魂中居于统治地位,激情和欲望服从于理性统治的一种关系状态。